No refugee leaves the comfort of home by choice.
When forced from their homes, refugees can only bring what they can carry, putting them at an immediate disadvantage once resettled. Help us provide basic needs for 200 refugees this year.

0 of 200 Refugees Supported
Come proclaim The Year of the Lord’s Favor with us.
Inspired by the Old Testament practice of Jubilee - God's systemic plan to dismantle inequality - we host a monthly Jubilee Marketplace, where refugees can pick up donated items, practice English, and form local friendships.

Visit our donation drop-off shed.
Local Neighborly Houses serve as in-kind donation drop off points. Find the location closest to you.
Refugees Make America Great
Legal Pathways to Enter and Stay in the U.S.
Fleeing persecution, war, or disaster? Seeking protection at the U.S. border or already inside the country? Explore legal pathways to enter and stay in the U.S.
Законні шляхи в'їзду та перебування в США
Ви тікаєте від переслідувань, війни чи стихійного лиха? Шукаєте захист на кордоні США чи вже перебуваєте в країні? Дізнайтеся про законні шляхи в’їзду та перебування в США.
Vías Legales para Ingresar y Permanecer en los EE.UU.
¿Huyes de la persecución, la guerra o un desastre? ¿Buscas protección en la frontera de EE.UU. o ya estás dentro del país? Explora las vías legales para ingresar y permanecer en EE.UU.
متحده ایالاتو ته د ننوتلو او پاتې کیدو قانوني لارې
آیا تاسو د تعقیب، جګړې یا طبیعي افتونو څخه تښتی؟ آیا تاسو د متحده ایالاتو په پوله یا دننه محافظت غواړئ؟ د امریکا ته د داخلیدو او پاتې کیدو قانوني لارې وپلټئ.
الطرق القانونية لدخول الولايات المتحدة والبقاء فيها
هل تهرب من الاضطهاد أو الحرب أو الكوارث؟ هل تبحث عن الحماية على الحدود الأمريكية أو داخل البلاد؟ استكشف الطرق القانونية لدخول الولايات المتحدة والبقاء فيها.
Njia Halali za Kuingia na Kukaa Marekani
Unakimbia mateso, vita, au majanga? Unatafuta hifadhi kwenye mpaka wa Marekani au tayari uko nchini? Chunguza njia halali za kuingia na kukaa Marekani.
Many people experiencing homelessness face a difficult choice between work and food, often opting to secure a spot in line for employment at day-labor agencies instead of receiving meal services at shelters.
Every week, in solidarity, we get up earlier than the day-laborers to make breakfast and center ourselves in prayer. We head over to the local labor pools and lay down a tablecloth, put out freshly picked flowers, and begin our feast together.
The menu varies each week based on what is donated/purchased but is usually comprised of homemade bread with honey butter, pastries donated from Panera, oranges, hard-boiled eggs collected from our hens, and orange juice.
In Ngamwa, Kenya, families who rely on rainwater face life-threatening waterborne illnesses due to toxins in the air and bacteria, such as bird feces, on roofs. During the dry season, they collect water from the Tambaya River, contaminated by cattle feces and agricultural fertilizers. Both water sources lead to easily preventable diseases like cholera, dysentery, and typhoid, which claim 2,739 lives globally each day.
In rural communities where there is no central location where it would make sense to dig a well for people to collect water from, it's necessary to bring water to them. We do this in the form of water purification tablets.
Refugees, who are fleeing persecution and war, are met in the U.S. with multiple services to help them reclaim their lives. Rarely, however, is there someone to help them navigate their new reality. That’s where people, not programs, step in. That’s where you step in.
The Old Testament practice of Jubilee was God's systemic plan for dismantling inequality through the redistribution of wealth. Each month at a local Neighborly House we host a Jubilee Marketplace where refugees are invited to shop through that week's in-kind donations and practice English with locals.
In Kenya, where school uniforms are required for education, a single piece of cloth stands between a child and their ability to end the cycle of poverty by receiving an education.
We partner with the families of the most vulnerable children to provide the necessary school uniforms.
Mother Teresa said, "The greatest poverty of all is the feeling of being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for." Seniors at assisted living homes are especially susceptible to this form of poverty.
The “public reading of scripture” is a sacred practice launched by Moses in the wilderness and commanded by the apostle Paul in his letter to Timothy. Since 2020, we have been upholding this tradition in service to our elders at assisted living homes who either receive no visitors, are vision impaired, or suffer from dementia.