The greatest poverty of all is the feeling of being unwanted, unloved, or uncared for.

The “public reading of scripture” is a sacred practice launched by Moses in the wilderness and commanded by the apostle Paul in his letter to Timothy. Since 2020, we have been upholding this tradition in service to our elders at assisted living homes who either receive no visitors, are vision impaired, or suffer from dementia. Join us or give financially to help us mobilize teams to read scripture.


Let’s do something really old together.

Every week, we gather at a local nursing home to practice a tradition from the 13th Century B.C. The Bible calls it the “public reading of scripture.” It’s simple — we circle up and take turns reading scripture out loud as it was originally designed to be consumed. Residents of the nursing home are invited to read with us or just listen in as we pay attention to how the Holy Spirit might be speaking to us.